I've been an audience member of this site since probably around 2007, 2008 (and have been an actual member since 2010). It's been interesting, seeing various artists come and go, some who've inspired me, and some that have left me scratching my head thinking... "what the fuck...?"
And of course my own tastes have evolved along with this site (I was a stupendously naive middle school kid back when I first discovered this site, that didn't know shit about anything, really. And now I, as of yesterday, graduated from college with a Bachelor's Degree in Multimedia Studies, with a focus on Film, Animation, and 3D modeling).
Point being, I think I'm ready to actually start creating and adding my own stuff to this site, and to stop my ridiculous social awkwardness from getting in the way (not to say that'll be easy. That side of my brain is surprisingly convincing. I think it might have secretly taken debate lessons or something, which is kinda ironic, when I think about it).
No promise on a schedule or anything, as I've still gotta get my head in the game, and figure out the How's and What's of what I'll be making.
Best Regards,
~ Alex (w00t)
Good luck!, make cool shit